Hello beautiful lady,


 It’s been awhile since the last Unmentionables Class we did together!

 How have you been?


I’ve been thinking about you because we just finished another Unmentionables 3-day Class! And it got me reflecting on our first class together.


What a gift! It always amazes me to see brilliant and brave women vulnerably exploring uncharted territories and asking for what else is possible.


It enthuses me so much that I’ve chosen to create an extension! I’ve added a monthly call over the next 3 months. Each call will be 2 hours long. I’d love to have you join! 

The space that we create with these calls and the places we get to explore… truly change the world.


We start on Feb 23rd!

Your time in the world here


Get your lust on and bring your questions!


If you knew that your lust changed the world, would you choose even more of it?


What’s the gift of you that you’ve never acknowledged, that you can now choose and acknowledge?

Register here

Adore you magical one! Hope to see you somewhere in the world sometime soon so I can give you a big hug. 😘