Hello sweet beings! Happy December!


As 2022 comes to a close, do you find yourself reflecting upon what you have chosen and created thus far?
So many people use this as prime time for self judgment. But what if you didn’t have to calculate where you were good or bad or succeeded or fell short? 
What if you could let all of that go and simply tap into the future you would like to create?
Each year is like a chapter in the book of your life. What if now is the perfect space to look at how you would like to start those next fresh pages?
And as you tap into that future, what if you didn’t have to create a plan?
What if you could tap into the energies of that future and simply choose the things that show up that match those energies?
One of my favorite go to tools with creating and looking at what choices I have available, is getting still and present and asking: what do I truly desire?
I lower my walls and barriers and allow myself to tap into what life would look like if I knew that everything I desired were possible and could be here now.
Ask: What is possible with my future, that I don’t believe to be possible that if I allowed it would actualize the future possibilities?
So many of the things that we are asking for, we simultaneously hold the belief that they aren’t actually possible. Which can create a blockage of things showing up in our lives.
Getting present with the energy and actually changing your point of view to it actually being possible is the first step.
Would you give it a try and let me know what you become aware of? Simply hit reply to this email. 💋 
Wishing you all the possibilities and joy beautiful you!

P.S. If you enjoyed the above tool and would like to play even more with creating the life you truly desire, I’d love to invite you to my upcoming 2 hour
Being You call: I Spy With My Little Eye the Future I Would Like to Create.
We’ll be exploring a totally different way of creating the life you truly desire.

When: December 14th, 2022 @ 12:00 PM PST. Your time in the world HERE.

Wanna come play?!

Click here to register