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Howdy darlin'

(said in my best southern drawl and a tip of my hat)

 Would you take a stroll with me for a minute and listen to a girl share her mind?

I was chatting with my friend, Cesar, the other day, and he shared something that totally inspired me. 


You see, Cesar is an animal whisperer and he was telling me about an awareness that he had with horses. He was sharing how you have to be willing to be the dominant energy with them, and how that relates to and contributes to how we create our lives. 


As he shared his experience, I realized how, even though I own a horse, I have barely scratched the surface on what is possible with receiving from this incredible creature.  And, it made me want to explore this topic so much more.


I reached out to two of my friends, who also happen to be Conscious Horse, Conscious Rider Facilitators, to see if they would be willing to create a low cost webinar where we could pick their brains about what they know about horses. I'm not above learning through osmosis! 😂


In fact, I got to chat with Alison yesterday!

If you missed our live, click HERE to watch.


So, my friends, grab your metaphorical or literal cowboy boots, and join me, Connor Hill and Alison Cox for a one hour webinar where you can ask and explore how these tools can contribute to you in your every day life.


If anything, I know this: it will be a ton of fun!

What a better deal than $10 for a bit of fun 😉


Are you ready to take the reigns of your life?

Willing to choose to always show up as the dominant energy?

Are you willing to be whatever energy is required to create the future you’re asking for?


What if horses 🐎 can gift to us in a way that we haven’t even begun to imagine?


Let's Giddy Up!


Join us February 11th at 9 AM PST.

Your time in the world.


Click the button below to grab your spot 🐎

Click Here!