Hello sweetness, how you be today?

I’m so excited to be popping in here today. 🤩 We’re a week away from the FREE call: 7 Tools for Creating a Life You Love.


I’m practically speechless. We have over 1,000 people registered and 16 different languages being translated!! 🤯🤯


I cannot WAIT to dive in with all of you!

Grab your FREE spot here


You see, when I started playing with the Access Consciousness tools, I tried to do them like everyone else.


In fact, I did this in a lot of places in my life:
 🌟 Identify someone who seems to be doing something well
🌟 Do the things they do, imitating the way they do them


But, the funny thing is, that never really worked, and it definitely didn’t light up my life. Truly, I was just plagiarizing.


It can be so easy to do that with any toolbox we gain. Where we look to the person who gave us the tools as the source - the one who knows more.


Truly, it wasn’t until I started to play with the Being You tools, and became more aware of ME, that everything really opened up in an exponential way.


Now, I infuse the Being You energy into everything I create, especially facilitating any Access Consciousness class.


You see, these tools really came alive when I realized I didn’t have to “do” them like anyone else.


So, whether you are brand new to the Access Consciousness tools or have been playing with them for years, I love exploring what you know and seeing what I can contribute to you!


Join me March 25th from 10am-12pm PST ONLINE for a FREE call exploring the yummy space of YOU! Your time in the world is HERE.


This call is in English and will be translated into 16 languages.


By registering, you will also receive the recordings after the class! 


If you haven’t grabbed your spot yet now’s the time!


And if you’d like to invite someone to join us just forward them this email!

We’re inviting the world, baby!
See you soon 


In case you are wondering what other adventures are coming up, check them here:


A weekend of change in Minneapolis, MN & Online

 March 31st - April 2nd

Possibility Playground

4 calls each month (Being You Call, Rapid Fire Clearings, Unparenting/Parenting with Possibilities Call, Visualization Journey)

Being You, Being With Them

1 call each month on Unparenting/Parenting with Possibilities