Hi, sweet beings!


I’m sneaking into your inbox with some adoration of you and some yummy content. 😉

There have been some incredible conversations in the bigger classes lately about image and plagiarization (like wooooaaaahhhhh conversations), and I had to come here and share.

So what exactly IS image?
What comes up for you when you tap into the energy of it?
And here’s the kicker: how much of your image are you plagiarizing from others?

Image is something I did for a long time. I mean, if you saw me a few years ago, you could guess right away I was a mom by the pants I wore #momjeans! 😂 But an image isn’t actually you, it’s something you put on, like a coat, to create a result.

You see, image is based in judgement. It’s like trying to manufacture approval from a source outside of you, while at the same time hoping it will lead to approval of yourself.

What if…and this is a big what if, instead of trying to control the exact outcome of how people see you, you instead had way too much fun creating possibilities?

What if you had a vulnerability with yourself and others that created so much allowance, you had no room for judgement? A space where you are not wrong and you’re not hiding your beautiful being from the world.

THAT is a true space that allows people the possibility to see you, and not the image you present.

Does that sound yummy to anyone else?

I know I’ve been unraveling and undefining my image ever since I started playing with the Being You Tools, and I’m so grateful for them! And, these conversations lately have been blasting it even more out of the park.

If this conversation is striking up an appetite in your world, I’ve got some things coming up where you can continue playing in this energy.

On Saturday, I’m hosting Christopher Hughes for a Right Voice for You class.

Grab your spot here!


Then I’m headed to Brazil to facilitate some awesome classes with Emily Evans Russell! You can join us Live or Online 😉


Learn More Here


Come play in all the dynamic possibilities!

I hope to see you somewhere in the world soon.

What Else Is Possible?

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