Hello beautiful being!!

It’s been a hot minute since I’ve written, and I’m so excited to find myself in your inbox today.  This is a quickie message today with some time sensitive news! But, keep your eyes open for an upcoming nurturance newsletter around everyone’s favorite topic: money! 😆😉

But, back to the news!

For almost a year we have been playing with possibilities in my membership group: the Possibility Playground.  And we have been having a blast!  Every call so many different things open up and shift, it’s really pretty awesome. The vulnerability and the fun is palpable in every call and in our private group chat.  I feel so lucky to have such awesome members!

Firstly, I desired to gift you a little taste of how we play.  A sample of the potency and awesomeness of this Possibility Playground.  So, I’ve included in this email for you a clip from our last call featuring the one and only mister John Ashford as our Guest Facilitator for the month.  John is one of my favorite people and boy did he bring the heat on this call! Talk about potency and demand! Wow!

Click below to download the audio as my gift to you 😘

Download the audio clip

Every month we feature a Guest Facilitator, which keeps things spicy and fresh.  We also have a monthly Being You call that allows us to explore ever deeper the Being You tools.  And, I cannot forget to mention the potent as f*ck Rapid Fire Clearing call we have each month, too. 

This membership has basically been a steal of a deal for everyone (how lucky are they?!) at only $44/month. In an honoring of how much we create every month on this membership, it’s time to increase the price. So in 4 days the price will be going up to $77/month. Which, let’s face it, is still amazing and way lower than what it’s all worth.

So, this is your heads up! Anyone who joins before June 4th, will lock in the $44/month price - how does it get better?!

Get your booty registered by clicking the button below.

Register for Possibility Playground

Possibility Playground will be added to your Kajabi library, where you can find all of the dates and information of our calls for June.

Will I see you on the playground?


What Else Is Possible?

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