Hi beautiful you!

Thank you SO much for joining me for my 4 Tools to Find Your Happy class.  It was a blast to explore all the possibilities with you. And, it means so much that all of us from around the world were able to gather together and ask for more happiness on the planet!

How was the call for you?!  I’d love to hear what you got out of it. Simply reply to this email to let me know 😘

So…now what?! What happiness can you choose now?

One of the things I know is after a call like this, it feels kinda like a delicious appetizer or even foreplay to something bigger. If you’re ready and looking for the next course, I’d love to invite you to some more possibilities: My monthly group includes 2 calls every month as well as a Rapid Fire Clearing, which is like an energetic supernova that helps unstick the weird places we’re stopping ourselves. If you’ve been looking for playmates, join us on the playground, the Possibility Playground that is!

Join Possibility Playground


If you’re local, I’m facilitating an Access Bars class on April 2nd. The Access Bars is an energetic technique that releases the electromagnetic charge of thoughts, feelings, and emotions that are filling up your head. Come hang out for the day, and walk out lighter, brighter, and a Practitioner!

Register for the Access Bars Class


I’ve also got a really yummy class, available in San Diego, California and Online called Your Body: The Adventure of Living. We’ll be diving into the Being You tools, (which are my favorite!) and what’s possible with more ease, joy and glory with our sweet bodies. Join me April 3rd!

Register for Your Body: The Adventure of Living


And, for my international friends, I’ll be headed to London later in April for a 5 Days of Change experience! The 5 Days of change is an Access Bars class followed by the four day Foundation Class. We’ll be going through all the essential aspects of life, asking questions, inviting in possibilities, and clearing out the energetic crap. While the Bars class is only available in person, the Foundation Class is available online as well as in person. Is now the time?

Register for The Foundation in London & Online


Lastly, me and a couple rad ladies are leading a series of calls called Social Media: What if You Don’t Suck at It? It’s a cheeky, yet practical exploration of what it looks like to use the Access Consciousness tools and include your awareness and energies while utilizing social media. Whatever you’re dealing with on social, we’ve BEEN there and we’ve got you!

Social Media: What If You Don't Suck At It?


Thank you again for joining me for this incredible call! You, my sweet friend, were a part of a global movement of creating more happiness on this beautiful planet - how does it get better?

Cannot wait to see what you choose and create next!


 P.S. Here is a reminder of some homeplay and resources we covered in class:

  • Make a list of the things that automatically bring you happiness (like funny cat videos or dancing or going out in nature)
  • Who Does This Belong To? app You can download it for free here: https://www.accessconsciousness.com/en/shop-catalog/apps/who-does-this-belong-to-app/
  • Remember that you are not wrong. No matter what you’ve chosen or created throughout your life, you are not wrong.  If you are aware that you’d like to shift something, then it’s simply time to make a new choice.
  • What if this isn’t a theory? What if this, our joy, is how we truly change the world?
  • My brother, Dr. Dain Heer, wrote the book, Being You Changing the World. It’s filled with amazing tools. Go here for a free chapter! www.beingyouchangingtheworld.com


What Else Is Possible?

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