Hello Beautiful Friends! 


I have an exciting Podcast interview that I just did with the lovely Heather Nichols. This woman’s energy pings some encouraging questions, stories & pearls of wisdom that I would love for you to have IN ON. 


Journey with us as I share how Being You Beauty came into being from the beginning. As you all know, I LOVE a good story so I share a few inspired tales.  Like how the invitation to Being You Beauty has shifted peoples realities, (including mine!) and how it could end up shifting yours as well.


What could we choose & create with our Beautiful Beings by receiving the energy of this magical podcast episode? 


Remember our Point of View changes our reality 😍 so I challenge you:  What point of view are you sticking to that if you destroyed & uncreated it would allow you to fully be the Beauty & Energy that your Being has been Dying to BE all this time?! 


I’m so grateful to be sharing this episode with you all & even more grateful for the contribution you all be to the creation of Beauty in its truest & most authentic form! 


The Beauty of Being Different Podcast


PS: Do you know about the Being You Beauty 7 day free challenge? It's on Facebook, here:

The Beying You Beauty Free Challange

What Else Is Possible?

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