Hello beautiful friends!


I’m writing to you from Rio!!!! We’re wrapping up the last day of ESB (holy moly!), then I’ll be getting ready for my Access Bars class on the 6th with Emily Russell, and my Being You Beauty class on the 7th.
How does it get better??

Have you had an Access Bars session yet?
And, if you have, has it changed your life?

Just imagine a full day exploring the tools and gifting and receiving sessions.
If you’re in Brazil, what would it create to join us?!
And, if you have a friend or two in the area, invite them along🀩

This class, the modality, and the tools included are such game changers and I have such a blast facilitating this “beginner” type of class. Let’s be real, there’s nothing beginner about it, and yet it’s so easy to learn and explore no matter where you are at in your life.

While our Access Bars class is only available for those who can join in person, our event on the 7th is open to EVERYONE! We’ll be gathering in Rio and streaming online to everywhere you are.

Sign up for the all day event and you receive a morning class with Emily Russell: I’ll Have That! A Key to Energy Shopping, as well as my Being You Beauty class in the afternoon.

The energies of these classes play in such a cool way that we created this as a 2 for 1 event. One price for two classes.



Emily’s Energy Shopping specialty is an exploration in what it looks like to receive from the universe as if you were shopping energetically. Whenever you light up about something, you get to say “I’ll have that!”

As for Being You Beauty, well…
Did you know that Gary Douglas (aka the Creator of Access Consicousness) called me crazy for desiring to facilitate beauty classes?πŸ˜‚

I might be crazy, but I’m aware of a possibility on this planet that could create a totally different future if we chose to undefine what beauty is, and open up to receiving more of the beauty we each be. It’s amazing how many “issues” can actually be traced and connected to concerns around judgment and how we look and how we are received. Warning: this is NOT a makeup class, this is a movement.

What difference is your beauty that now is the time to acknowledge?

You can find details for all of the things by clicking the button below. I would love to have you be a part of them if they lighten up your world with more possibility.


All Classes in Rio


Until next time!


P.S. If you are somehow on my email list and are not familiar with the Access Bars yet, head on over to www.AccessConsciousness.com/Bars

You’ll find information about it as well as Practitioners, Facilitators, and classes near you. It is one of my favorite ways to relax and recharge!

What Else Is Possible?

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