Dear you,


How you be?! I’m going to be extra joyful here and admit that I’m having the best summer ever! My family and I just got back from an epic trip to Puerto Vallarta. I was there for the Advanced Body Class and the Being You Certified Facilitator training. The classes were world changing, and we still managed to sneak in some adventures! 😉

Here is a video of my daughters, Shyla and Talia-Sky jumping feet first into the fun!



Now your turn!

When was the last time you invited fun & adventure into your daily living? I’m talking about bent-over, belly-laughing, tears rolling down your face kind of fun.

If it’s been a hot minute or maybe even since you were a child, what if NOW is the time?

Did you trade your FUN for fear? Did the world teach you that that was how to play it safe? Are you ready to LEAP into a new adventure in living?

How many decisions, judgments, conclusions and computations are you using to create the never risk it life you are choosing?

What would it take to re-claim the spontaneous joy of youth as your operating system?

Every month I like to pop-up in your emails just to say hi and maybe share a few insights. I’m all about nurturing our relationship and not just using my list to “promote”, but this time I’m making an exception.

Starting August 1, I’m introducing a brand new program called Possibility Playground. For only $44 per month you can join me on an endless playdate. You will receive lively conversations, tools, facilitation and a few surprises.

The founder of Access Consciousness, Gary Douglas, often asks, “What if the purpose of life was to have fun”? I say, “What if joy is your job?”

If now is the time to put the pep back in your step and the zip back in your zip-line, Possibility Playground is the place to find friends like you who are ready to play big!

And, if you’re already infusing fun into your life daily, how much could you amp up that level of fun by having a group of friends like us to play on the playground of possibilities with?

Click the link below to register. I’ll meet you there!

Register for Possibility Playground

What Else Is Possible?

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